United Nations Headquarters, Visitors' Lobby, Main Gallery B
17 January, 2013 - 15 February, 2013

This exhibition recounts the life of Jan Karski and, specifically, focuses on the story of the dangerous mission undertaken by Jan Karski, a young Polish officer and former diplomat at the Foreign Ministry, to alert the free world about the annihilation of Polish and European Jewry.

The exhibit was presented in connection with the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust (27 January). It was organized by the , Warsaw, and the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Endorsed by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations and the UN Department of Public Information ().

This exhibit marks the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust (27 January).  This exhibition recounts the life of Jan Karski and, specifically, focuses on the story of the mission undertaken by Jan Karski, a young Polish officer and former diplomat at the Foreign Ministry.

During World War II, Karski became an emissary and liaison between the leadership of the anti-nazi underground in Warsaw and occupied Poland¡¯s government-in-exile. Upon the request of Jewish resistance leaders, he entered the Warsaw ghetto and one of the so called ¡°transit¡± camps in Poland. This was a most risky undertaking but provided Karski with the authority of an eyewitness. He then set out with his false identity to London to ¡°inform the free world¡± and stop the annihilation of Polish and European Jewry. His reports were heard by many powerful leaders but help was not provided.

The question ¡°Why was nothing done, when there was still time to save millions of human beings?¡± haunted Jan Karski throughout his life as professor of political science and as public speaker and Poland¡¯s, America¡¯s and Israel¡¯s hero and humanity¡¯s voice of conscience.

The exhibit is organized by the PolishHistoryMuseum, Warsaw, and the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  It is endorsed by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations and the UN Department of Public Information ().

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See Panel 21

Video produced by Polish History Museum